National drug collection sites
National drug collection sites located across the USA. As an employer required to meet DOT regulations, you have specific, unique needs. Those requirements become more complicated when you have field offices all over the country. You need nationwide collection site management for your drug-screening program.
eScreen has developed a nationwide network of occupational health providers who understand your DOT requirements. In fact, the eScreen Occupational Health Network (EOHN) is one of the largest networks of clinics in the country—a network that is growing every day. We include more than 4,000 service locations, and more than 2,000 of our clinic locations are equipped with eCCF, eScreen’s electronic chain of custody software. These clinics can perform the lab-based specimen collections, breath alcohol tests, physical exams and other services you need to meet your DOT drug test requirements.
Our nationwide collection-provider network ensures that you have the clinic coverage you need no matter how many employees you test and no matter how far across the country they are spread.
Advantages of the eScreen Provider Network include:
- Thousands of nationwide collection sites for expanded coverage.
- The option to create a customized collection network to meet your specific program’s needs.
- Onsite drug testing collections.
- Clinics that offer a comprehensive choice of services, including drug screens, BATs and physicals.
To learn more about eScreen’s offerings—including DOT drug testing program management, physicals management and DQ file management—